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‘I Will Become Your Partner in Life!’

Kenneth Copeland

9 Mar 2010

“I am moving My people into their places. I have a place for every single one. I have a place where I need you. Amen. I need you healthy. I need you strong. I will make you healthy and I will make you strong. Amen. I will take care of you. When you become available to Me, when you roll all of your cares over on Me, I will become your partner in life. Amen. You’ll need to trust Me,” saith The LORD. “Trust Me that I know what I’m doing. Trust Me that I love you. Trust Me that I am not interested in your failure. I am interested in your success.

“It is through My people that I will BLESS the nations of the world. I have people,” saith The LORD, “all over the world crying out to Me. Heart cries. We don’t know what to do. And without Me,” saith The LORD, “they can do nothing. That’s the reason they need you. You can tell them who I am. You can show them who I am. You can help them find their plan in life. You are My BLESSING and I will send you into places that will astound you. Have no fear. Have no fear. Have no fear. I will take care of you.”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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