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‘I Was the One!’

Kenneth Copeland

31 Dec 2015

“I know,” saith The LORD, “more than you know about what you’ve been through. There were times when it was so difficult for you to keep from just throwing your hands up and just give up and quit. I know that,” saith The LORD. “I was there. And sometimes it didn’t seem like I was there, but I was there. I was there. I was the One who didn’t let you quit. I was the One down in there deep, deeper than you even knew you had. I was the One in there at the moment that you just said, ‘I’ve had this. I don’t need this. I’m done with this.’” Glory to God. “But then ‘Well, yeah, but, well, no. I can’t quit. What’s the matter with me? I can’t quit.’

“I was the One who was scratching on you down there in the inside, because I knew then and I know now that you’re bigger than you think you are. You’re more powerful than you know you are because, you see, you thought you’ve failed. You thought This is – I’ve just done it again. I’ve just flopped again. Here I am, LORD. No. You didn’t quit. You’re still here. You don’t know how victorious you really are because you couldn’t see all that was arrayed against you like I could. You have no idea the forces that satan put together, trying to get you out of his way. You see, you’re very important to the devil. He hates you! You are dangerous to his affairs and to all that he has planned, and he has no defense for what you have on the inside of you because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. So rejoice, and again I say, rejoice. Aha! For the best is yet to come, and heaven has it written down that you won the battle. You stood the test. And now the good stuff happens.”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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