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I Am Always on the Increase

Kenneth Copeland

16 Sep 2007

“There are no days,” saith The LORD, “not one moment in time, when I am less than I was the moment before. I am always on the increase. I am always moving and expanding. Don’t ever get the idea that I have become static and that I have stopped. I have never stopped in your life. I have never quit where you are concerned. There are times that you for some reason or other were so spiritually dense, you didn’t know I was there. But I was, and you have no idea what all you’ve been delivered from that you don’t even know about.” Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

“Oh yeah, I know the plans that I have designed and desired for you,” saith The LORD. “And it’s better than it ever was. It is bigger than it ever was. And every day, every day is filled with more than you can see any way to use. So get involved, get into My WORD, get into these meetings. Be a part of it and learn and know more about what I’ve called you to do, and about what I have planned for you—because it is thrilling, oh so thrilling, and so awesome,” saith The LORD of Grace. “For now is the best time that has ever been for you to get in My WORD and enjoy My presence, because it is more available than it’s ever been,” saith The LORD.

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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