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I Am a Friend of God

Billye Brim

3 Jun 2009

“I call you not servants, for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth, but I have called you friends. You can know what your Lord doeth. And if you’ll open your hearts and become a part of the spirit that doth work in you in this tonight you, My friends, will walk henceforth in a very bright light.”

Let’s sing it like this.

(Singing) I am a friend of God. I am a friend of God. I am a friend of God, He calls me friend. He reveals to me what He wants me to see. What He wants me to be, I am His friend. My Father has made known from the very throne what will be unto the end. I am a friend of God, I am a friend of God. I am a friend of God, He calls me friend. (singing ends)

I do not sit in the dark, He calls me friend. We walk in the light, He calls us friends. If you will listen tonight and tomorrow, too, to the Word of God that is preached unto you and let the spirit in you reveal, you’ll go away from this meeting high and lifted up, His friends.

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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