“Step back and look. Step back and judge. Look at the places from which you have come. Look at the victories that have come your way. Look at the healings and the financial victories that have come into your hands because of what you have done for My people,” saith The LORD God. “For faith makes everything work. Faith is the key element to all things, especially in the household of faith. So gather up your thanksgiving. Gather up your praise. Lay it at the feet of the Master. And as you go forth, you do it with faith.
“You understand and you back … back in the past … have understood and will continue to understand that I am your victory,” saith The LORD God. “I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM. I will be who I will be. I AM who I AM. And I am to you whatever you will allow Me to be in your heart. I will take you to places that you before would never dream you would ever be there. And you will be successful while you’re there, and you will continue to succeed after you leave. These are the days of victory. To many they look like days of failure, but that’s when great victories come. Faith is that victory. Faith is the overcomer. That is the overcomer of this world.
“And then be still and know that I AM God. Be still in your heart and understand from the ancient of days I am the One without beginning, and I AM the One without end. Your future is bright all the way, and including eternity. For I AM the God of eternity. You’ve known Me as your Savior. You’ve known Me as your Healer,” saith The LORD. “And you know Me as Love in your heart. But rest assured you are about to know Me as The Great Resurrection. And every day is one more day closer. One day closer. And if you will make every day your receiving day, then you will never know sadness. You will never know darkness. And may you live to be 120.”