“I foresaw it, then I commanded it. Ask ye of Me things to come concerning the work of My sons, and the work of My hands command ye Me. For it is in the power of seeing into your tomorrow that you can command it to be done, for faith has dominion over your tomorrow.
“Do you not know,” saith the Lord, “that I have been arisen far above principalities, power, might, dominion, every name that is named not only in this world but in the world which is to come? The world which is to come is under My feet. Your future is already complete—rise up and take authority’s seat and then speak the things that you do see. And after the commanded Word comes out of thee, your future will manifest and certainly be. So arise to your seated place and understand that the works have been finished by My command. Agree with Me and say what I say, and your future and your tomorrow will come into your today.”