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Don’t Be Moved’

Kenneth Copeland

23 May 2009

“Listen to Me very carefully,” saith The LORD. “I have My hand on Kevin Rudd. Now listen. Listen. Listen very, very carefully. Don’t allow your words to be stout against Me and what I’m doing in his life. Don’t be moved by what the media says. Don’t be moved by what other politicians say. Don’t be critical. If you can’t talk by faith, don’t talk.

“Don’t say something until you’re qualified to speak. And unless you’re speaking by faith, unless you’re speaking My WORD, you are not qualified to speak of these people in office. I know what I’m doing,” saith The LORD, “and you don’t. You not only don’t know what I’m doing, you don’t know what you’re doing.

“So listen to Me. I’ll tell you what I’m doing and I’ll show you what you’re doing. But if you continue to make your words stout against Me, then you take My ways out and put your ways in. Even though they may look right, unless you know what I’m doing and the way I’m doing it, you’re going to miss it. Don’t miss it in these days,” saith The LORD. “Because these are the greatest days of all.

“This is the greatest time in all of history. This is the time to be alive. This is the time to be in THE BLESSING. This is the time to walk by faith. Oh! This is the time of great miracles and great manifestations from heaven. Wonderful things are happening in this nation. Oh! You don’t know about many of them yet or most of it yet. You have not even seen yet because I don’t just go around telling everybody what I’m doing all the time. Because too much of the time they’ll say things and do things that are stout against Me. But when it’s time to reveal it, I will. And you’ll be thrilled, and you will be excited and you’ll know. My! My! My! That’s what The LORD was talking about that night on the 23rd day of May in 2009.” Praise God. Hallelujah.

“There’s never been anything in the history of this nation like I’m planning and like is already afoot right now. Never has been. Never has been. The most marvelous, the most wonderful, the grandest and greatest impact that this nation has ever had in its history is at hand. It is at hand. Why do you think the United States has had such impact on the world? Because of their great statesmanship? Not hardly. Because of their great financial strength? Well, where do you think they got that strength? It certainly was not of their own making. They have had that impact on the world (tongues) and on its spiritual future, because they have preached the gospel and supported My nation Israel. Aha! And so have you. So have you. So have you. Those things that I promised in the past, those things that have been spoken by the prophets, and the preachers, and the teachers, particularly in the last century, are ready to come to pass.

“My people that are called by My Name are stepping over into the financial transfer spoken of in My WORD for the last days. I will. I am and I will continue to transfer My wealth, My influence and My power into the hands of those that will believe Me for it, and that will walk upright before Me and commit themselves to be a blessing. I will use you to prosper this nation. You are My choice. You thought you chose Me, but I chose you. And you’re My choice and I’ll not forget those that have stayed and remained steadfast in My Name. These are My days and these are your days,” saith The LORD, “and the best is yet to come.” Hallelujah.

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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