“I’m the high ground”, saith The LORD. “I stand and walk and think in a higher place. My thoughts are higher than your thoughts. My ways are higher than your ways. So, come on up here with Me. Come up into this place where you accepted My Son as your Savior. I raise you up to sit with Him in heavenly places, and you are looking down on the things of the earth and the things of the devil. Take the high place. Walk in honor. Walk in goodness and love. Keep My words. Walk in My words. My words are stout and they are strong. And if you put My words in your heart and in your mouth, then it will not only help and make you free, it will make others free who see and hear what you’re doing and saying. For I am The LORD God, and there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, or after My words,” saith The LORD. “Rejoice and be glad in it, for I’m coming soon.”