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Climb Back to the Realms of Glory

Billye Brim

8 Feb 2006

“There’s something in the air. You see it everywhere. You sense it, you even feel it. There’s something in the air. There’s someone in the air. There’s someone—I declare the Spirit of the Lord of glory. (tongues) And I shall tell you the story. Yea, long ago, as men tell time, Adam fell from a realm sublime. But the time has come for you to climb back into the realms of the glory, and yea (tongues) a prophet did say that this year would be a year of glory to thee. And it’s rising, it’s rising, it’s rising. Don’t you see in your very heart? And now (tongues) you’re more than a start to the glory, you are well on your way. And this week you will see the presence of the Lord and His cloud of glory. Hallelujah. You will leave this place with a shine on your face, for your eyes will have seen the glory of the Lord. Prepare thyself. Put your mind upon Me.

“Let your ears listen and your heart see. (tongues) Many this morning have gone free and now you are prepared to do and enter in what I want you to. This meeting, don’t you see, is from Me. I have things to do in thee. When you gather together, the Holy Spirit works in you to change you to—from one degree of the presence of the glory to another. Do not be alarmed by what you see all around. Do not be alarmed by what you see in the Middle East, for things too profound for thy mind are taking place. But I’ve given you a language with which to run the race and to pray and to move into the realms you need to be. Do not forget to speak with other tongues unto Me. I would raise you up in this hour with the greatest power the Church has ever known; use this method and you will indeed work before My very throne.”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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