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Bring Forth Praise and Worship!

Kenneth Copeland

4 Jun 2017

“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. And he that is in the world is the problem. God is not the problem. People are not the problem. People who yield and cooperate with the problem (satan) manifest problems, but the people are not the problem. Flesh and blood is not our enemy. But our enemy is principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and wicked spirits in heavenly places under the command of satan.

“So rejoice in the fact,” saith The LORD, “that I defeated him and I put him underfoot. And I’ve put him under your feet, and made you to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. So if you’ll begin to rejoice in this fact, and look unto Me and walk with Me, and cooperate with Me, I’ll bring understanding into your life that far exceeds the misunderstandings that have been fed into your life and the lives of others by the deceiver, the destroyer. And as you bring yourself to rejoice, I didn’t put rejoice in My WORD just to make conversation. Because it’s in the rejoicing and in the flow of the joy of The LORD that great and wonderful and marvelous things are released from heaven through the earth to you.

I will show more down these lines as you continue to seek My face and walk with Me. Principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness of this world do not have any authority over you whatsoever. If you will resist them and refuse to cooperate with them, they have been given command by Me,” saith The LORD, Savior, Giver of life, “that when you resist them in My WORD they must flee. So rejoice! And again, I say rejoice. For all that I did I did it for you. So bring forth praise and worship. Bring forth praise and worship. Bring forth praise and worship.”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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