“If you will give Me,” saith The LORD, “a tithe of your time, 2.4 hours a day, or if you would just give Me a tithe of your daylight hours, 1.2 hours a day, to praise and worship, you will be shocked at what I will be able to do in your life. Faith will come to a new place and to an all-time high. My presence will be manifested as like never before. Victory will rise up and take a place of prominence in you and around you. And you will begin to know: ‘You know, I’m victorious. This is the victory that overcometh the world, even my faith. My faith. I have victory on the inside of me. I am victory. I am a world overcomer. Now, I just need to get up and start overcoming.’ And as you begin to do this, and as you give Me some time, as you give Me that tithe of your time, then John 14:21 will go into operation. I said it when I was here,” saith The LORD Jesus, “I said it.”
“Give Me a tithe of your time,” saith The LORD Jesus. “And I will begin to manifest Myself to you, and together we can go into the place where there is no time or distance. And you can come out here with Me. Come out here in the Spirit. Come out here and spend time with Me, and together we’ll walk, and together then we’ll run, and together we’ll get faster and faster and we’ll step off out in the glorious things. And then the gifts and manifestations of the Spirit will begin to operate in your life, whether you’re in the ministry, or whether you’re in business, or whether you’re a teacher in school, or whatever I’ve called you to do. My gifts and manifestations are for you, not just on the church platform, but it will work even better in the workplace. You try Me and see if it’s not so,” saith the Spirit of grace.