“Those that live in the islands of the Caribbean, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready. Get ready, get ready, get ready! An outpouring of the Holy Ghost has already begun, and it will manifest before the end of year until people from around the world will be saying, ‘If you can get anywhere in the Caribbean you can get healed.’
“Hallelujah! Oh that’s a”…I read that”…glory to God, hallelujah! I can’t put words to it. That’s what I was trying to say and it just came out: Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready. It’s at hand, a Holy Ghost outpouring all over the Caribbean.” Hallelujah! I think we ought to give The LORD a shout and praise for it. Oh, dear Jesus. Hallelujah.
(Prayer) “LORD, we pray in line with it. Stand up with me. God’s no respecter of persons, He’ll do this anywhere. Oh, but I see it. I see it. It’s a spiritual tsunami coming on those islands all over the Caribbean. Everywhere. All over it. Oh God, we hold the Caribbean up to You right now in the Name of Jesus. We lay hold of and lay claim with our faith every inhabitant in those islands is born again and filled with the Spirit and healed and made well. Hallelujah. And this outpouring will cause people from all over the world to rush into these islands to receive, to know more and enter into the miraculous appearance, miraculous manifestations, miraculous signs and wonders and visions and dreams that will be occurring of Jesus of Nazareth showing Himself alive.”
(Prophecy Continued) “Well, thank You, LORD. Yes, I see it. It’s going to be happening to islands all over the world. Hallelujah. It’s here. It is here. It is here, hallelujah. It’ll happen in our households. It’ll happen in our businesses. It’ll happen in the state houses. It’ll happen in the low places and the high places. It’s time. It has come. It is time for the spiritual tsunami of the love of God to hit this earth and flow like liquid—liquid fire, liquid love, liquid power.
“Yes, bring it to my house, Jesus. Yes, bring it to my house, LORD Jesus. Bring it to our ministry headquarters, LORD Jesus. Bring it all over our property, LORD Jesus. Bring it into our church, LORD Jesus. Bring it into my car. Bring into my house of my children. Bring it into the houses of my grandchildren. Just pour it all over us. Bring it into this household tonight in the Name of Jesus. Oh, oh glory. Oh, the glory. Waves and waves and waves of glory. Unspeakable things of the Spirit. Things before now unlawful to speak, but they’ve been released from heaven. They’ve been released from heaven. They’ve been released from heaven. The angels have been charged.
“Somebody is being healed right now of cancer, cancer of the neck, prostrate cancer. Brain tumors and stomach tumors are being healed right now. Stomach ulcers are vanishing right now. Eye disease is being healed by the power of God right now, right this minute. Oh Hallelujah. All manner of manifestations of the presence of Jesus. The Healer is in the house. Oh blessed LORD, oh blessed LORD!”