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1999 South Africa Prophetic Word

Kenneth Copeland

3 May 2024

(Tongues….)  For the voice of the Lord has come unto me saying, “Satan set a trap for this nation many years ago, in an attempt to destroy what the Holy Ghost had begun to build and to do in this part of the world.  For you’ve heard it through the mouth of my servant more than once, that in my eyes this place is the heart of Africa and has blessed through obedience to the Holy Spirit many, many, many nations of the world.  For people have gone from this place and ministered in all cultures, in all tongues, and in all tribes and in all peoples on the earth.”

“There have been peoples that I have called, ‘Sayeth the Lord’, that have come from this nation over the years and over it’s long standing history of walking with Me.  Oh I know you’ve made mistakes, I know people make mistakes, people still make mistakes but I’m the great, I’m the great rectifier, I’m the great changer, I’m the great one of grace that will watch over your mistakes and even turn them to your good!”

“He (Satan) set a trap and religious men and sinful fools fell for it.  But all the devil could do, could not destroy this nation because I have my hand on it!  Now he’s trying to do it again and I’m giving you fair warning in fair time, so that you pray and seek my face and see to it, it doesn’t work!  He has hard times planned for this nation; of course he has hard times planned for all nations of the earth.  But he is very, very, very deeply afraid of the people of God in this nation of South Africa.  He’s afraid of you! He’s afraid.  He knows what you’ll do.  He knows where you’ll go.  He knows the gospel that you will take to the four corners of the earth; I said the four corners of the earth.  I said it by the Holy Ghost; I said the four corners of the earth.  I’m preparing many of you now to go into different parts of the world and take the Word of the living God.  He has planned a period of rough time in three areas: –

  1. Politically
  2. Financially, and
  3. In the area of sickness and disease on the level of epidemic.

But FEAR NOT!  Fear not and hear not what the world is saying and the opinions of those who know nothing about Me and nothing about what I’m doing, ‘Sayeth the Lord’.  If you will pray and seek my face you can stop…. (Tongues….)  Okay, you can totally stop the epidemic of sickness and disease, if you’ll just begin to pray now and begin to quote my Word and say before Me on a daily basis, Thank God no sickness or disease can stop my country or my church or my family or my body.”

Now wait a minute, don’t start clapping…. (Tongues….)  “For My healing is for your nation, for your church, for your family and for your body.  Secondly, if you will pray and stay steady, pray and listen to me before you vote.  Don’t just go vote because of what the television says, don’t just go vote because somebody says somebody would make a good president or a good minister in your government.  You pray and seek My face and then be sure that you vote.  I’d rather see you vote and make a mistake than not vote at all.  ‘Did you hear what the Lord said?’  I’d rather see you vote and make a mistake than to not vote at all, because when you don’t vote at all you invite the devil to put into office whom ever he desires.  But if you’ll go to the poles by faith and listen to my voice, take time to pray and be quiet before Me on a daily basis and let me develop some things in you and I’ll show you things to come politically where your country is concerned, and I will take care of this.  I’m going to take care of this anyway, but you can by pray, and by faith, and by being obedient to my Word, and my voice make things a whole lot easier for yourself and the rest of the nation.  For it’s going to go the way prayer goes.  No prayer and it will be rough.  Part prayer and it’ll be half rough.  Pray, believe God and stay with it, and your going to see the finest hour this nation has ever know.”  Hallelujah Praise God!   (Tongues….)

“Now concerning your finances.  Politics and politicians don’t know much about finances; I do ‘Sayeth the Lord’.  I can make you wealthy right where you stand.  I can take care of your finances if the rest of the whole world died and left the face of earth.  I can take care of you wherever you are.  I can take care of you in the middle of bush.  I can take care of you in the mountains.  I can take care of you in the desert.  I can take care of you in a lonely place right out in the middle of the ocean.  I can take care of you.  And I will do it, if you’ll listen to me.”

Now I’m encouraged of Lord and impressed of the Lord to say something to you that He said to me back in December 1998 and it fits right in here.  And the Lord dealt with me about this, so I’m going to share it with you concerning politics and this does concern the economy of the nation, both those two things.

He said this to me, He said, “If you vote for a person or a party knowing, knowing that they stand for the wrong things”, (now I’m going to use U.S. as an example here because that’s where I’m responsible see, because that’s where I vote.  So I’m going to share this with you.  You can interpret and interpolate it into your own affairs and so forth because I don’t get mixed up in Politics in any country but my own because it isn’t any of my business).  A few years ago because of money, people allowed a political blunder to introduce abortion into the U.S. and it has been a curse on us and the body of Christ has had to just stand before God in the name of Jesus and repent and keep it from destroying that nation.  But there’s whole churches full of people that continue to vote for the party that stands for abortion because they like what they do financially.  And I heard the Lord say this to me, “Tell my people” and that is one of the reasons I’m telling you tonight.  He said, “Tell my people if they vote for a person or a party knowing that, that party stands for things that are crosswise to the Word of God but you like something else about them, when that party or that person runs their string out and judgment comes on that party it’s going to come on you and come in your household because you voted for them.

Now that’s where we are we’re in the middle of that right now.  There are some people that want this government in and some people want that government in.  Well, it’s not based on culture, it’s not based on skin colour, it’s not based on money.  It’s based on who’s ordained of God to walk in that place and the gospel be preached through the world and that’s the key issue to the situation, Amen!  And I said, well Lord, what about those that say, “oh I don’t know, I believe I just won’t vote at all”, He said, “They will hit the same judgment because they did nothing to stand against it”.  My Lord!  If you don’t vote at all the devil gets you vote.  I’m talking to you by the Holy Ghost, Hallelujah and you can go tell somebody that I said so, be fine with me Hallelujah.  Because I have to be obedient to the Lord see, and December 1998 on our way back home from preaching in Eastern Europe in the airplane the Lord spoke to me and said to me, “Go tell my people”, well that’s what I’m doing. Hallelujah, I’m telling you!

So take heed to what the Spirit of God is saying.  Pray on a daily basis, stand on the Word of the living God, search out the scripture and find the promises – God will show you what to stand on.  He’ll show you what to pray and how to pray it.  I’m not talking about hours and hours, it would be wonderful if you want to take hours and hours but think of how much prayer time you can accumulate with just 15minutes to an hour a day every day from now until Jesus returns.  Think what kind of effect you can have on heaven, think what kind of effect you can have on your own family and on your own life and on your nation because God is going to hold you responsible.  This is a nation that stands before God with a calling to preach the gospel around the world and your going to have to answer for that, I’m going to have to answer for it where the U.S. is concerned because that nation is called of God.  We have to answer for that calling.  You ought to be praising God and being joyful and willing to answer for that calling because you don’t know what hell is until you live in a nation that doesn’t want God and doesn’t care for God.  Those of you that have never been out of here don’t know what hell is.  My Lord!

We’re blessed and we’re going to continue to be blessed and continue to walk in the things of God.  And I got news for the devil and anybody who wants to argue with God, “You ain’t seen nothing yet, Praise God!  We’re just getting started, hallelujah!”

 DOWNLOAD a copy of this prophecy here.1999 South Africa Prophecy pdf

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