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Living in Resurrection Power: A 7-Day Devotion

7 Apr 2022

Join us for this seven-day study and learn what living in resurrection power is all about!

Even though Easter is celebrated by most people only once each year, we are meant to live and operate in resurrection power every day. When the power of God raised Christ from the dead, it sealed Satan’s defeat forever. Now, it’s up to you to live in the finished work of the cross. Join us for this seven-day study and learn what living in resurrection power is all about!

Day 1Living in Resurrection Power

He is risen! What a special day we celebrate on Resurrection Sunday —what love, what power!

On Resurrection Sunday, we commemorate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He endured the horrors of the Cross and defeated death willingly, in order to provide anyone who will accept it with abundant life—now and for eternity. Even though this history-defining event is celebrated by most people only once each year, we are meant to live and operate in resurrection power every day!

When Jesus arose from the dead after being crucified, a voice echoed through the universe, “It is finished!” Jesus left hell in shambles—totally and completely devastated. Satan was defeated, conquered and under Jesus’ feet. That means Satan’s not going to be defeated—he already is!

Jesus triumphed! Colossians 2:15 says, “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (NKJV). He triumphed over the devil, He triumphed over all principalities and powers, and He triumphed over the kingdom of darkness. Jesus disarmed every power that could take a stand against us.

Jesus sealed Satan’s defeat—it’s already done.

Satan has no power over you unless you give him that power. He has no authority—unless you give it to him. Jesus did the final work—the finished work to seal Satan’s defeat.

Now, it’s up to us to live in that finished work—the work of resurrection power!

Most Christians stop at the cross and don’t take full advantage of all that Jesus provided. But you can! You can honor every benefit Jesus died to bring you by settling for nothing less. This week, we’ll be studying the different benefits and how you can live in resurrection power every day.

Today’s Scripture Reading:

Philippians 3:10

Romans 8:11

Luke 10:19

Day 2Living in Resurrection Power Includes Healing

When you celebrate Resurrection Sunday or take Communion, do you think about healing in your body?

You should.

That’s because living in resurrection power includes healing. Healing is just as much a part of what Jesus died to give us as the forgiveness of our sins is. Most Christians don’t know that. They take the salvation part of the package and leave everything else on the table. Don’t let that be you!

Healing is your covenant right. If you want it—it’s yours. It’s not up for debate as far as the Word of God is concerned. You have access to resurrection power every single day. The problem is, most Christians haven’t truly believed it even though God has said it. They haven’t let God’s Word reach down into their hearts and become truth to them.

If that is the case with you today, know this—it is God’s will to heal you. It is in His redemptive plan. It has to be His will because He laid our sickness and disease on Jesus, just as He did our sin (see today’s reading). God made His Word plain, and He always keeps His Word.

You can receive healing and live in divine health just as easily as you received salvation. How did you get saved? You believed it in your heart and said it with your mouth, right? The same is true for healing. If you have trouble believing that healing already belongs to you, it’s time to get into God’s Word and study the healing scriptures. There are a lot of them!

Get healing down in your spirit until you believe and declare it. Then you’ll live in resurrection power and walk in the kind of victory God intended when Jesus went to the cross that day on Calvary. Praise the Lord!

Today’s Scripture Reading:

Isaiah 53:5

Matthew 8:16-17

Psalm 103:1-3

Day 3The Blood of Jesus

This Resurrection Sunday, the Body of Christ will be honoring and celebrating the greatest gift ever given—the gift of eternal life with God through the sacrifice of the blood of Jesus Christ. We’ll put on our Sunday best. We’ll sing songs about the empty tomb and we’ll enjoy a special meal. It’s a special time in the family of God!

Why was the blood of Jesus required to reconcile us, as sinners, to God?

From Genesis to Revelation, the words the blood are kept before our eyes—a reminder of its importance and significance to God and to us. The sacrifices of Abel, Noah and Isaac, and the Passover lamb, and the giving of the Law all came to pass, but “not without blood” (Hebrews 9:7, NKJV). The blood symbolizes cleansing and purification—the settling of a matter.

God is Love. And the greatest expression of His love toward us is the blood of Jesus. That love covers every need man has had or ever will have, and every time we apply the blood, we experience an outpouring of this love. It is love, through the blood, that has created a barrier between you and all the works of the devil.

This Resurrection Day, don’t just go through the motions, go to church, eat a meal and hunt for Easter eggs. Let’s elevate the blood of Jesus to the same place in our hearts that it has in God’s heart—and awaken in our spirits those powerful things the blood has procured for us.

The power of the blood of Jesus has provided everything you need to live a life of victory, including redemption, fellowship, healing, protection and authority over the devil.

Turn your heart toward a deep and reflective gratitude toward the One who paid it all in full, so you can live in resurrection power and walk in victory!

Today’s Scripture Reading:

Hebrews 9:7

Ephesians 1:7

Day 4: Activating Resurrection Power

We’ve talked a lot about resurrection power and how it is rightfully yours. Now, let’s dive in to how you can access it. If it were automatic, there would not be a good fight of faith. So although every good thing (healing, deliverance, prosperity, healthy relationships) belongs to us doesn’t mean we don’t have to contend for it.

Here’s how you can activate resurrection power in every area of your life:

  1. Believe It

Choosing to believe resurrection power is available to you activates that power in your life. That’s exactly what you did when you were born again. You believed Jesus would come into your life as Lord and Savior, and He did!

Now, to access all the benefits—healing, abundance, peace, joy and every good thing—you must put that same belief—faith—into action. Every yoke is destroyed under resurrection power, and every part of THE BLESSING is released. Believe it!

  1. Speak It

When you believe that resurrection power is residing in you, you begin to activate it through your words. When you speak faith-filled words, they release THE BLESSING. The power of God is in faith-filled words. Every time you speak the Name of Jesus or plead the blood of Jesus over a situation, Satan is reminded of his defeat, and resurrection power is released in your life.

  1. Act on It

Make no mistake—Satan’s defeat was sealed by the Resurrection, but we have to enforce it, or act on it. How?

Apply the Name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus to every situation in your life by speaking it and taking Communion over it. For example, you can say, “I plead the blood of Jesus over my body right now. I declare that sickness is under the curse, and I’ve been redeemed from the curse. Therefore, sickness, you leave in Jesus’ Name!” Do the same with protection, finances and your family. Act like you have resurrection power living on the inside of you because you do!

Don’t ever accept defeat in your life—Jesus paid too high a price for you to accept anything less than total and complete VICTORY.

Today’s Scripture Reading:

Revelation 12:11

Day 5Every Need Met With Resurrection Power

There is a force so vast in its power that it triumphs over any problem, any trial and any situation. Demons flee from it, disease cannot remain in the face of it, lack and fear dissipate before it, and every darkness is instantly shattered by it. Even death itself cannot contend with it. What is it?

The Name above all names. The Name of Jesus.

The power and authority of the Name of Jesus rightfully belongs to you as a born-again Christian, and He expects you to use it! After Jesus’ resurrection, and just before He ascended to be seated at the right hand of the Father, He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” Matthew 28:18, NIV).He has the authority!

What did He do with it? He delegated it to us (see today’s reading).

The Name of Jesus is resurrection power released into our lives. That means you can put the Name of Jesus to work in every area of your life—big or small. Every need is met with resurrection power.

Just as you wouldn’t tolerate someone barging into your home and taking your goods, you shouldn’t tolerate the devil and his attempts to take what is rightfully yours in the Name of Jesus.

So, when lack tries to come into your family, rebuke it. Say, “Lack, I rebuke you in Jesus’ Name. You’re not coming into my family. You can’t come into my bank account. Jesus came that I might have life and have it more abundantly. I take my BLESSING now, in the Name of Jesus.”

When an evil spirit is trying to bring sickness, poverty, depression or any other garbage into your household, point your finger at him and say, “Jesus!” The Bible says the Name of Jesus is called the Word of God, so that’s like throwing the whole Word of God in his face at one time!

Today’s Scripture Reading:

Mark 16:17-18

Revelation 19:13

Day 6: Don’t Try to Earn It

Do you struggle with feeling “good enough” for God? “Good enough” for His blessings and favor? Maybe you’re working to live a righteous life through works, and even comparing yourself to others in hopes of finding some place where you will finally feel like you deserve to be called righteous.

Here’s something that might mess up your theology—you can’t earn righteousness, because you already are righteous. You might be thinking, Well, I don’t feel righteous. But that doesn’t make it any less true! The moment you were born again, you became righteous. Not perfect, not holy, but righteous—right with God. How? By faith in Jesus Christ (see today’s reading).

God’s gift to the world was when Jesus, who knew no sin, was made to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in HimWe, who knew sin, were made righteous when we were born again and became new creatures.

Are you born again? Then you’re right with God. Now, there may be some things in your life you need to change, but you’re right with God. Righteousness is not connected to our conduct—you can’t earn righteousness with good behavior. It comes only through faith in Jesus Christ and is “for everyone who believes, no matter who we are” (Romans 3:22). That is a powerful and miraculous truth that will change your life forever when you really get revelation of it!

So, in spite of anything you’ve heard or believed, the truth is, righteousness is a free gift secured for you on the Cross. When you stop trying to earn right-standing with God and receive it as a gift, then you’ll be free to operate in the power that comes with it.

And that’s something to celebrate this Easter season and every day!

Today’s Scripture Reading:

Romans 3:21-22

2 Corinthians 5:21

Day 7A New Way to Take Communion

When you awaken to the real power of Jesus’ resurrection in your life, you’ll never take Communion the same way again. You won’t wait for the once-a-month event at church or partake only out of habit. You’ll know that applying the blood of Jesus over your life has power. You’ll do it often and for specific reasons. And…you’ll know EXACTLY how much ground the blood of Jesus covers through His resurrection.

Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:25). What are you remembering? The resurrection power He has provided for you, the authority over the devil He has given you. Praise Him and thank Him for it, but also utilize this precious gift.

That means if you’re facing a serious attack of the devil, you need to remember Jesus all day and all night until thoughts of Him push the thoughts of that attack right out of your mind. Take Communion over your situation and appropriate the blood of Jesus over it. Loose resurrection power over your health, finances and family.

When you remember EVERYTHING Jesus did at the cross, you’ll never take Communion the same way again. Every bite of the bread and drink of the cup will surely bring tears to your eyes when you realize that not only did He deliver you from sin and death, but from every other part of the curse while you’re here on earth, too. He bore every sickness and disease, depression, poverty and every part of the curse for you.

Next time you take Communion, remember ALL Jesus did for you on Calvary. And take time to take Communion on Resurrection Sunday, too. What a blessed day for all who believe!

Today’s Scripture Reading:

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 0860 10 33 56 or submit a prayer request. Any day of the year, we’re here for you!

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