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How to Take Communion for Your Healing

25 Mar 2022

Need healing in your body? Try these tips on how to take Communion for your healing.

If you’re facing sickness or disease in your body today, you may already be speaking healing confessions and standing on God’s Word for healing. But if you haven’t yet achieved victory in this area, you may be wondering what else you can do, aside from standing for a manifestation. One powerful tool that is often overlooked by Christians is the taking of Communion.

The Lord’s Supper is much more than just a religious tradition—it symbolizes everything Jesus did for us at Calvary. When you partake of the cup (representing the blood), you are remembering that Jesus delivered you from sin. When you eat the bread (representing His body), you are acknowledging the physical and spiritual torment Jesus endured to deliver you from temptation, addiction, worry, care, fear, poverty, lack and every part of the curse. That includes sickness and disease (Isaiah 53:5).

God created the Lord’s Supper for a reason. When you receive it, you should plan to partake of everything Jesus’ sacrifice provided—salvation, peace of mind, healing and total prosperity. Otherwise, you’re neglecting to enjoy the gifts He sacrificed to give you.

You don’t have to wait until you go to church to receive Communion. You can receive it anytime and anywhere. In fact, if you haven’t made a practice of taking Communion on a regular basis, it’s time to start! The Communion table is the healing table, the deliverance table and the confession table.  It’s the powerhouse of God.

Every time we take Communion, it drives our roots even deeper into our faith in what the covenant of God means to us, and what the body and blood of Jesus has paid for us. We use our faith to take Communion, and we do so with determined purpose.

If you need healing in your body, here are seven tips for taking Communion for your healing:

  1. Purchase a Communion set for your own personal use. There are even individual, prefilled cup and wafer sets with a long shelf life available for easy use or transport. Alternatively, you can use crackers and grape juice.
  1. You can take Communion alone, or with a family member or friend.
  1. You can take Communion every day. Taking Communion is appropriating the blood of Jesus over your life, thanking Him for ALL He has done. It isn’t a religious ceremony, so you don’t have to wait for a minister to serve it to you.
  1. Examine yourself before you take Communion. Before we partake, the Bible tells us to examine our hearts (1 Corinthians 11:28-29). Ask God for forgiveness in areas where you’ve missed the mark (strife, unforgiveness, jealousy, envy, hatred, covetousness, fear, worry, unbelief, etc.) Also, be sure you are not receiving Communion just as a religious exercise, rather than accepting everything Jesus’ sacrifice provided. Don’t receive it halfway; that will keep you from receiving everything provided by Jesus’ sacrifice (1 Corinthians 11:30).
  1. Partake of the bread, which symbolizes the physical and spiritual torment Jesus bore to redeem us from all areas of the curse. With this in mind, say:

Lord, it’s not right that I suffer from sickness or disease. I judge it now as being from Satan, and I reject it. I refuse to receive it any longer. I partake of the sacrifice of Your Son’s body, and I receive the abundant life that You have provided, in Jesus’ Name.

  1. Partake of the cup and make this confession:

Father, I give You thanks for all You have provided for me through the New Covenant in Christ Jesus. I partake of those promises now! I am healed. I am redeemed. I am the head and not the tail. I am above and not beneath. I take the healing You sacrificed to give me, and I thank You and praise You for it, in Jesus’ Name.

  1. Be settled on the matter. Once you have taken Communion, settle your healing in your heart according to God’s Word. Don’t just hope it is done—know it.

No matter what you may be faced with—sin, sickness, drugs, a weight problem, worry, strife, old habits or any situation in your finances—you can be delivered through properly receiving the Lord’s Supper. The body and blood of Jesus covers every area of your existence.

Watch this video from Kenneth Copeland as he teaches more about taking Communion.

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Place yourself before God and receive Communion as the children of Israel did—ready to receive deliverance in your body! Take the time to put yourself before God over the Communion table. It will be time well-spent.

As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 0860 10 33 56 or submit a prayer request. Any day of the year, we’re here for you!


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