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How to Receive From the Ministry of the Prophet

16 Jul 2024

When God calls ministers of the gospel, He anoints them with one or more of the fivefold ministry gifts—apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher—and sets them among us to perfect us through revelation. We can connect with these gifts through partnership, which brings us into a covenant relationship with them. Once that divine connection is made, the anointing on the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher is released to us. We partake of their grace or their anointing. 

When the apostle Paul wrote to his covenant partners in Philippi concerning their “fellowship in the gospel” (Philippians 1:5), he went on to tell them, “Ye all are partakers of my grace [my anointing]” (verse 7). In other words, the same anointings and giftings that were fully manifested in Paul’s life and ministry were available to those in covenant partnership with him. All they had to do was lay hold of them by faith, place a draw on them and receive them. 

If you are a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, you have access to the same covenant partnership with the ministry of the prophet in which Kenneth Copeland has operated since 1977. You will receive powerful teaching when you attend or watch a KCM event. But if you desire to withdraw from the deposit God gives you, it is critical to understand the prophet’s ministry.  

You Can Partake of the Prophet’s Reward 

Jesus said, “If you receive a prophet as one who speaks for God, you will be given the same reward as a prophet” (Matthew 10:41, NLT). What is the prophet’s reward? The anointing—the equipping to do what you’re called to do. Prophets have the keys that can open doors within you—and open doors for the entire Body of Christ. 

The ministry of the prophet is an accelerator. It moves God’s people forward more quickly through revelation, warning and instruction. It directs us to prayer and action in our lives and our world. It prepares the way for things to come and keeps our expectancy where it belongs—high! 

What is your part? You must simply receive the prophet—believe his words are from God and act on them. You can work on these life-changing words by being open and eager and valuing the prophet’s ministry. 

We are connected to a great prophet in Kenneth Copeland, and as we embrace him and his ministry, lives will change—circumstances will change. We need to believe, receive and act on what is spoken. Just because we mentally agree with the Bible does not mean we are hearing it with the intent to do it. Our victory is in the follow-through.


As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 0860103356 or submit a prayer request. Any day of the year, we’re here for you!

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