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How to Access Revelation Knowledge for Any Situation

1 Oct 2021

No matter what you’re facing today, there is an answer. It may not seem like it, but it’s true. God has provided the knowledge and direction you need to come out on the other side of this better than you could ever ask or imagine.

Here, we’re sharing How to Access Revelation Knowledge for Any Situation so you can find the answers you need!

  1. Meditate on Specific Scriptures. This may seem obvious, but mental knowledge of God’s Word isn’t enough—even the devil can quote it! Revelation knowledge comes when you’ve spent time meditating on specific scriptures that relate to your situation. When you’ve read a particular verse over and over, it can be easy to gloss over it without stopping to examine it. Pause and allow the Lord to show you a deeper meaning than you’ve ever known. He’ll show you how to apply it directly to your current situation. Revelation knowledge comes from the inside out, not the outside in. As you meditate on His Word, be sure you open your heart and mind for a fresh word, and leave religious tradition or your own preconceived ideas aside.
  2. Pray in the Spirit. We are spirit beings with a soul and a body, but to receive revelation knowledge, we have to tap into the secret place. As Gloria Copeland says, “Praying in the spirit makes you smarter than yourself.” That sums it up! When you don’t have the answer, the Holy Spirit will quicken it to your spirit when you pray in your heavenly language. If you need an answer to a particular problem, up the time you normally spend praying in the spirit and continue on until you hear from Him.
  3. Listen. Kenneth Copeland says, “You haven’t finished praying until you’ve listened.” It’s easy to rattle off our wish list or complaints to the Lord, then go along our merry way. But that isn’t going to get it done. It’s in listening that the Holy Spirit is able to bring witty ideas and fresh revelation to our spirits.
  4. Listen to Teachings. God will often speak to you through His ministers in supernatural ways. Even teachings that are decades old can provide a revelation about your finances, your healing, your relationships or any other area where you need answers. This is another way to mediate on scriptures, like we talked about in the first step. Praise God for the Body of Christ—we can learn through the revelation of others and quicken our own revelation.
  5. Fast. When people like Ezra, Esther, Paul, and Barnabas needed answers from God, they turned to the power of fasting. A fast doesn’t change God—it changes you! It is a clearing away of the flesh and an opening of the heart to hear from the Holy Spirit.

Whatever you’re facing today, there is an answer. Not just any answer, either—a perfect one! God desires to help you achieve the desires of your heart and live victoriously. Revelation knowledge is His way of getting the answers to you. Don’t let it pass you by! Use these five steps and press in until you hear from Him.

Watch as Kenneth Copeland teaches you why you can’t afford to skip the listening part of prayer.

Related Articles:

How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 0860 10 33 56 or submit a prayer request. Any day of the year, we’re here for you!

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