The Praise Cure

A missionary in China named Rosa Smith contracted smallpox. She faced dire natural circumstances: No vaccine. No cure. No hope of survival. She didn’t beg God. She didn’t pray and hope He would do something. She didn’t start a prayer chain. In faith, she asked Him what she should do. This is what He told […]

Unleash the Power of Praise and Thanksgiving

There is untapped power in praise and thanksgiving that belongs to you! This Thanksgiving, serve up a hearty portion of praise and thanksgiving! We are so blessed in the United States to have Thanksgiving as a national observance to thank God and honor Him for all He has given us. It’s a time to stop […]

36 Scriptures About Praising in the Storm

When times are tough, our thoughts are often pulled to the quickest solution or even fears about how things could get worse. Singing songs and shouting praise are not at the forefront of our minds. But if you’re in a storm right now, praising God is EXACTLY what you need to do. That’s why the […]