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Be led by the Holy Spirit! Join Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they help you find the direction you’ve been looking for. Learn how to develop a faith that is totally focused. Before long, you’ll know what to do because faith always knows the answer!
Kenneth Copeland, André Roebert, Jenny Roebert
God’s plan is the best plan! Watch Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how faith receives the plan of God. Learn to lay your plans aside. Tune your ears to the voice of The LORD, so you can receive all He has in store for you!
Kenneth Copeland, André Roebert, Jenny Roebert
It is settled! Join Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they explain how faith follows the plan of God. Be encouraged to come into agreement with God’s WORD, knowing that your future is in His loving hands.
Kenneth Copeland, André Roebert, Jenny Roebert
Faith over fear! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert speak of how faith trusts the plan of God. Discover how to live your life on the faith side and gain eternal victory over fear!
Kenneth Copeland, André Roebert, Jenny Roebert
Live by faith and prosper! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert teach how faith accomplishes the plan of God. Learn to operate in total obedience to Him and watch yourself prosper in every area of your life!
Kenneth Copeland, André Roebert, Jenny Roebert
Be led by the Holy Spirit! Join Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they help you find the direction you’ve been looking for. Learn how to develop a faith that is totally focused. Before long, you’ll know what to do because faith always knows the answer!
God’s plan is the best plan! Watch Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how faith receives the plan of God. Learn to lay your plans aside. Tune your ears to the voice of The LORD, so you can receive all He has in store for you!
It is settled! Join Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they explain how faith follows the plan of God. Be encouraged to come into agreement with God’s WORD, knowing that your future is in His loving hands.
Faith over fear! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert speak of how faith trusts the plan of God. Discover how to live your life on the faith side and gain eternal victory over fear!
Live by faith and prosper! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and André & Jenny Roebert teach how faith accomplishes the plan of God. Learn to operate in total obedience to Him and watch yourself prosper in every area of your life!
1997 – 2025 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. AKA Kenneth Copeland Ministries. All Rights Reserved.