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Prayer Must Be Based on the Promises of God

On every occasion, in every season—pray at all times! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you to pray always with all manner of prayer. Learn how to pray a prayer of petition and discover how prayer is constant communion with God that must always be based on His precious promises!


Prayer Is Constant Communion With God

Keep an open line with God! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he reveals that prayer is constant communion with God. Find out how to build and establish a prayer of petition to bring before the Lord.


How To Pray a Prayer of Intercession

Stand in the gap! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he discusses how to pray a prayer of intercession. Discover the importance of praying in the spirit, so you can intercede for your family, church, city, country and more!


Love Is the Motive of Prayer

Motive is everything! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland speaks of how love is the motive of prayer. Be reminded that the kingdom of God is a kingdom of love and as a believer, you’ve been given the greatest commandment of all—to LOVE.


Jesus’ Prayer of Petition

Have faith in the Name of Jesus! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland empowers you with Jesus’ prayer of petition. Study and agree with this powerful prayer, so you can stand strong and fight the good fight of faith with it!

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VICTORY – Faith Teaching 24/7

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