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Sister healed from kidney failure

Sister healed from kidney failure

08 Dec 2017

I would like to express my gratitude to your prayer team in Randburg, JHB. I called in asking for prayer for my sister, who was diagnosed with kidney failure. When I called in, she was very critical at the ICU, but glory to God, a week later, she was already at the physio, and two weeks ago, she went back to work, fully recovered, and her kidney functioning as should.

May I also mention that I first learned about Tithing from this ministry ( BVOV magazine )back in 1996, a copy I picked up a Rhema Randburg.

Thank you to Brother Kenneth and Sister Gloria Copeland for your obedience to God; God Bless you.

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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