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Miraculous healing testimony

Miraculous healing testimony

19 Dec 2016

Thank you, Gloria and Kenneth Copeland and the rest of the KCM team, for all you are doing and your prayers. Your books and teachings have greatly blessed me. In 2015 I was admitted to the hospital’s intensive care unit. I was hospitalized for nearly two weeks and was diagnosed with severe liver failure. My liver enzymes were a thousand times the normal value, and in all my years as practising as a medical doctor, I have never seen a liver function test that severely deranged. After a few days in the hospital, my liver enzymes started decreasing. God has healed my liver completely, and my liver function is now completely normal. My doctor was amazed when he examined me during my follow-up consultation and said I had reached a stage just before I went into a coma. God still does miracles today. We serve a God of the impossible!

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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