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21 Jun 2022

My 3-year-old son was diagnosed with a kidney ailment early this year. My initial response was to trust in the arm of flesh to bring healing to him. However, after all my efforts, there was no improvement, so I settled with the Word of God to build my faith. The BVOV magazines became my #1 source of the Word. Though I was building my house in the storm, God had mercy on me and honoured my faith in the Name of Jesus. As I stood in faith, I switched off my senses and resisted all attempts of the enemy to steal my son’s healing, even as I continued to declare his healing and to declare judgement against the spirit of infirmity. Behold, all physical symptoms of the ailment are now gone, and my son is whole with brand-new kidneys. I thank God for using Bro. & Sis Copeland is a blessing to me in my time of need.

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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