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Far more than I could ever imagine

Far more than I could ever imagine

08 Dec 2017

We are a family of sowers. I never understood the reaping factor though.

Then 2017 it dawned on me and a year of expectancy lay ahead…..I believed God for a grandson. January, I felt a butterfly in my abdomen….Mother’s experience in pregnancy. 6 February, I saw God place a baby in open hands……God asked me on 12 February to sow all I had gathered over 2 years for Baby. As I sowed in tears as though these were for my grandson…I realised God had a bigger plan and open hands from giving, could again receive. On 6 March found out my daughter had conceived. My grandson was due in October 2017

My harvest was complete, I thought…..
However, we have many harvests to reap, yet
in 2017 I was blessed with a trip to Israel happening in 2018…..
Our Father God has blessed me with a trip I did not consider ever going to be a part of my story…..
Listening to a recording of Gloria and Pastor about sowing and reaping today, I realised
These are mine….for now…..
Praise God

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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