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Amy’s life challenge

Amy's life challenge

12 Jul 2016

16/02/2016 my daughter – 26 weeks pregnant, went into labour. I phoned the KCM prayer line to stop the labour process and the birth. But Amy was born only 730g. She was very small. We were told not to get attached; she would not live. I remember what I read on your website and started quoting scriptures, refusing death, and sending out prayer requests to anybody who will pray. Prayer groups in South Africa, America, New Zealand, Namibia, Israel… the fight for Amy’s survival was on! People told me God “showed” them that He was fetching a little rose. I refused to accept, and each time the doctor told my daughter to say goodbye, she was going, she asked me what do you say, mom, and I said she would live. Later on, my daughter stopped asking me and just speaking life. She also refuses to let go. Amy is now 5 months, 4kg, beautiful, beautiful little angel. God is so good. We dedicated her to God this month. I am so proud of my God.

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