Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop following a traumatic event that threatens a person’s safety or makes a person feel helpless.

PTSD is a common result of a person’s military service during a time of war. But PTSD can follow any shattering event that leaves a person stuck and feeling helpless and hopeless.

Thousands of people receive psychological and psychiatric help for PTSD every day.

From the perspective a Christian spouse, you and your spouse should ask the Lord what steps of recovery you should take to receive natural help for the disorder. Many Christian organizations exist to give Bible-based help to those who suffer from PTSD.

And, as a Christian spouse, your No. 1 priority should always be to find scriptures that deal with help and hope and confess them over your spouse and your marriage. Applying your faith to those scriptures, believing God’s Word is the final authority in this and every issue of life, will bring resolution to the situation.

Permanent recovery from PTSD will require renewing of the mind according to God’s Word. Again, prayer, application of God’s Word and ministry from professionals to whom God directs you will bring the lasting help and hope your spouse and your family need!