The message of biblical prosperity is powerful, and as believers we all want to jump right into the river of blessings and receive God’s best. But it is important that we not attempt to develop in this one area faster than we are developing in our overall relationship with God. Everything we do as Christians must be based on our relationship with God and His Word.

What has happened on occasion is believers have attempted to walk in the fullness of prosperity without first developing the patience in God’s Word that is needed. In extreme instances, some have even written checks on empty bank accounts attempting to sow faith seeds. We know that this is not walking by faith because writing bad checks is fraud, and faith is always based on God’s Word and His righteousness. Actions like this can be classified as stepping into “presumption” instead of faith.

Presumption, in relationship to faith, can be defined as doing something based on an assumption that it is the right thing to do without really being certain that it is God’s will. Acting beyond the point of God’s direction will not bring results. The task of faith which we take on should not be beyond the development of our faith.

The test for whether or not something is based on faith is whether or not it is based on God’s direction and lines up with His Word. We should ask ourselves what is really motivating our decision to pursue an endeavor. Has our endeavor come from the Lord’s direction, or is it simply something that we would like to pursue?

Let’s make this clear: God wants to bless us abundantly. But seeking His direction and timing is crucial because our faith has to be based on His direction for our lives. Hebrews 6:12 tells us that it is those who have faith and patience who will inherit God’s promises. Faith in God has to be developed before the desired result can be obtained.

God will do exceeding abundantly beyond what we can ask or think, according to the power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20). God will move on our behalf when our actions are based on His direction, and we have patience at work, knowing that He is able to perform. Once patience has had its perfect work, we will be perfect and entire, wanting nothing! (James 1:4). When we put our overall development with God and His Word in first place, the manifestation of our prosperity will be inevitable!