Rise Up and Take Your Place
“Rise up and take your place. Rise up and stand between Me and the forces of hell. I’ll back you, I’ll stand firm with you. I will supply. I will do everything that I said I would do. And if you’ll take that authority and have faith in My Name, you can do those things […]
The Glory Is Rising!
“There is a Tsunami of His glory in the making right now. There are born-again men and women around this world who will never, ever experience the glory of God coming up out of them. Because even though it is in there, it has been choked and it has been put down—by fear mostly. And […]
News Before It Happens
God speaks to His people in many different ways concerning His will. One way is through the utterance gifts of the Holy Spirit—words placed in the mouth of God’s servant by the Holy Spirit and then spoken to the nation. These words were delivered through Kenneth Copeland during the Fort Worth, Texas Southwest Believers’ Convention. […]