Scriptures About the Prophet
Prophets can be a bit of a mystery. One thing is sure: We need prophets. God has set them among us to protect, watch, release miracles, confirm and impart gifts, engage culture, uproot, plant, tear down, and build—all through speaking out God’s message to His people, at His direction. You have a part to play […]
‘Oh, No! I’ve Made a HUGE Mistake!’
Have you made a HUGE mistake? Have you fallen into sin or experienced a broken relationship with a loved one? Have you made choices in your life that lead you question whether God could ever love you again? These are big questions but there’s good news: God always has a plan. Situations don’t catch Him […]
Helping My Child Forgive
There is freedom in forgiveness, and you want that freedom for your child. But where do you start? How can you teach them to let go of the pain and embrace the freedom of forgiveness? Here are three points to help you do just that: 1.God Reached Out to Us First “When we were utterly […]
5 Quick Tips for Holding Your Tongue
Always need to have the last word? Can’t stand it when you can’t respond to a criticism? Have trouble avoiding gossip? It’s time for a crash course in holding your tongue! By your words you are justified, by your words you are condemned—so don’t condemn yourself! Your tongue is the way to victory or destruction. […]
3 Steps to Forgiving Yourself
Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. It can bring peace to troubled souls and offer hope for those needing a change. Sadly, the hardest person to forgive may be yourself. Perhaps you’ve heard that God forgives you, but in your own heart and mind, you struggle to accept it. You may battle against the shame and […]
A 3-Step Plan to Live From the Inside Out
You’ve got a situation. Something needs fixing—fast. An illness, a relationship or a financial hardship; or a decision must be made. Your first thought? What does the internet say…(insert wrong answer buzzer sound here). Answers, breakthrough and victory can only come one way—living with a God-inside consciousness. That means being continually aware that everything you […]
Should I or Shouldn’t I? 4 Questions To Ask When Deciding What’s Right
In seeking to live a godly lifestyle and honor the Lord, many Christians have questions about right living and making good decisions. From what to eat or drink, to whether to watch a certain movie, to who we spend time with, some things are less clear than others. But God is not the author of […]
Protected: How to Pray For The Nation of Israel
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
26 Reasons to Be Thankful
If there were ever a time when we needed to focus on being thankful—it’s now. As Thanksgiving Day approaches, let’s take a step back from the temptation to grumble about the state of our world and magnify the good things God has given us to enjoy. As we’ve learned from so many others before us […]
4 Ways To Rewrite Your Story & Change Your Life!
This is a story about a Christian who loved the Lord, sought to serve Him, and desired to live a life filled with the countless victories He promised in His Word. But something was troubling this Christian. You see, there were promises unfulfilled, desires unmet year after year, and a story that seemed to be […]