When you turn your faith loose, not only will your life be changed…it will also change everything and everyone you encounter!
Salvation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Are you a new Christian wanting to learn more about your new life?
Or do you know someone you’d like to introduce to Jesus, and help in their growth as a Christian?
Whatever the need, your answers are in God’s Word. Below, you’ll find help to clearly understand salvation and help others in their salvation journey, too.
Believers’ Voice Of Victory Magazine (BVOV)

As believers, we are meant to resist fear and take charge through faith and prayer. In troubled times, we are to stand on God’s promises, cast out fear, and bring hope to others.
I will not fret or have anxiety about anything, Father, for Your peace mounts guard over my heart and mind. Because You are my source, I have confidence, comfort and encouragement in Your provision.